Older, not old
I recently read about a scientific study on rhe brain scans of older men and women. It turned out that people who thought of themselves as young on the inside were more active and in better heath than those who thought of themselves as old. This is not too surprising. The interesting part is the "young thinking" people had brain scans that lit up in ways similar to scans of much younger people. Of course, correlation is not causation. Maybe they thought of themselves as young because they had younger looking brains. Or maybe, the young brain, young thinking link was just a coincidence. But I believe their brains were younger as a direct result of thinking young.
My mantra is I can't help getting older, but I can sure as hell keep from being old. This study just confirms my viewpoint. I dress 'young', I walk tall (no stooping, slouching, or shuffling), I exercise, I care about how I present myself, and I maintain a very active sex life. I even recently bought a manual transmission, bright red, muscle car! I'm sure you're thinking 'midlife crisis'! But I've been through about three of those, so I can assure you this is no midlife crisis. This is just me.
A few years back, a neighbor kid asked my why I went barefoot all the time. I told her, "It's because I don't want to grow old." A smart kid, she was rather dubious.
"How will going barefoot keep you from growing old?"
"Have you ever seen an old person walking around outside in bare feet?"
"I rest my case!"